It doesn't matter how much success you think you have if the life you’re living doesn’t feel aligned with your soul.

You know this pain.

It shows up to haunt you in the early morning hours as you brush your teeth while refusing to look in your own eyes. It stalks you in the shower while you cry where no one can see your vulnerability. It’s the yearning of your heart to be seen, heard, loved, understood, held, and supported alongside your soul’s desire to finally feel free to authentically express the gifts it holds on behalf of love.

Your pain is not a curse. It is not something to avoid and suppress, because this makes it hurt more. Your pain is a call to embark on a profound and transformative journey inwards to confront the barriers that cast shadows on the peace, abundance, and fulfillment you seek. 

Will you surrender and summon the courage to face your fears, challenge the old paradigms governing your creativity, reclaim the power that’s rightfully yours , and stand unwavering in the integrity of your heart’s devotion to your authentic soul’s purpose?

Imagine, on the other side of a powerful ‘YES,’ is a life where your values are the guiding stars that lead you to challenge the status quo and the old paradigms that led you to abandon your authenticity.

Give yourself permission and picture yourself standing firm, creating not just a meaningful life but one that is authentically yours - a life fueled by the potent energies of love and purpose.

 This is more than a call. It’s an awakening. A beckoning to live in alignment with your heart and to break through the cocoon of expectations to emerge as the vibrant, authentic soul you are meant to be. 

Your journey begins with a sacred choice - a choice to listen, to acknowledge, and to surrender to the whispers of your soul calling you back to your heart. The adventure of your life is IN you and it awaits your courageous step into the depths of your own being.

If you're ready to:

  • Say YES to your awakening

  • Commit to an inner revolution

  • Courageously embark on an adventure of inner discovery

  • Conquer your fears and transform your pain into purpose

  • Discover and embody your soul’s genius

  • Align your heart with sacred action

  • Show up in your personal & professional relationships with integrity & unconditional love

  • Create a life aligned with who you authentically are

I will hold a space where you will be seen, heard, loved, understood, and supported as you transform self-abandonment to potent authenticity.

Picture a space that feels like a sacred sanctuary where unconditional love weaves through every session to gently and powerfully hold your inner revolution.

This is what I offer. 

Unlike conventional coaching, my approach is an intuitve dance with the sacred - an invitation to embark on a profound odyssey of the soul and a transformative adventure that beckons you to reclaim ownership of your life’s story and to emerge as the powerful, authentic creator of your dreams. 

My gift is to truly see YOU - not just the surface but the uncharted depths of your being - and to work with you to create a guided journey that is as unique as you are, so you can free your soul to create a life that feels vibrant and alive.

Embark on a journey towards authentic self-expression, soul-alignment, and the creation of a life that embodies your deepest truth and wildest dreams.

If you resonate with any of the following, 1:1 mentorship is for you:

  • You are a visionary who seeks to bring your soul-inspired creativity into reality.

  • You are an artist who yearns to break free from creative apathy & allow your unique expressions to flourish.

  • You are a leader who desires to lead not just with intellect but from the depths of your heart to create impact with authenticity and love.

  • You are an entrepreneur who wants a soul-aligned business that betters the world and leaves a legacy for the future.

  • You are a creative misfit who challenges the status quo and and seeks to inspire others to embody their inner rebel.

1:1 Mentorship will support you to:

  • Reignite the spark of aliveness buried deep under your soul's exhaustion.

  • Create a soul-expressed life that aligns with who you actually are.

  • Heal abandonment & attachment wounds by transforming your pain into a catalyst for profound self-love.

  • Let go of limiting beliefs around your worth so you can discover and embrace the natural beauty of your soul's genius.

  • Create & hold boundaries to support the integrity of your heart, your relationships and your soul's purpose.

  • Tap into your emotional intelligence for inner wisdom & healthy relationships.

  • Serve with love.

While intuitively guided and co-created, your journey will not be absent a process to enhance your self-awareness while tending to deeper transformation.

The following processes will penetrate into the pain of your wounds and bring the nourishment of love needed for the soul to thrive and powerfully serve through its genius.


You will create an inner foundation of sacred self-love to nourish your soul and enhance inner resilience while discovering how love orients you to be present with yourself and those you love and lead. This is a journey of re-discovering your sacred place in an interconnected universe.


Instead of avoiding uncomfortable feelings, you will learn how to hold space and embrace them as allies who hold a wellspring of wisdom and inner peace to serves you and your relationships with love, empathy, and freedom.


You will reclaim your abandoned self by discovering how to use triggers and wounds as opportunities to holistically embody your authenticity in the face of adversity and discomfort.


You will surrender to the value of time and how to strategically invest it to nourish and sustain your energetic resources, fortify your heart’s integrity, and align your soul with inspired action. You will embody the power of ‘no’ as a complete sentence and how to set healthy boundaries with confidence. 

You can have a fulfilling life without sacrificing your soul… I can help you achieve that.

I'm Jaymi Jai

I am not a savior, a liberator, or a guru. I am a way-shower and a guide who intuitively supports and mentors leaders, visionaries, rebels, & healers who are ready to break free from the status quo and face the fear that blocks them from loving and leading through their soul's genius. I hold you in love as you learn to hold space for and trust yourself to embody your purpose with integrity, clarity, authenticity, and transparency so you can show up powerfully to serve your soul’s deeper vision for you and the world. I help you create a life that feels ALIVE!

1:1 Mentorship with Jaymi Jai

1:1 mentorship is currently offered as an intuitively guided 4-month rite of passage where we journey together to:

  • Explore your relationship with love and freedom as we dive into your relationship with the status quo and the old paradigms anchoring you to a painful and inauthentic life.

  • Unearth the shadows holding you back from feeling totally alive and discover how to hold them in reverence as they reveal wisdom to guide you into a deeper inbodiement of unconditional love.

  • Learn how to quiet your mind, connect with your body, root into your heart, and listen to your soul's deeper truth, so you can show up authentically and powerfully aligned with the vision your heart carries to better your life, your closest relationships and the world around you.

Your investment is $7500 (USD), and it includes:

  • 4 - 60 minute Soul Session (Zoom)

  • Unlimited Whatsapp access to a space devoted to and customized for your journey

Payment plans are available, and Jaymi has other offers to discuss! Hit the button below to connect and co-create an offering just for you.

What People Have Experienced

Due to the sensitive nature of my work, privacy is something I honor. As such, names will not always be included in my testimonials.

Working with Jaymi has been incredibly transformative. Her aptitude for understanding the depths of the human soul, alongside her capacity to go to the shadowiest places with such love and tenderness, have given me the precise nourishment and safety I need. She walks alongside me as I integrate the rejected parts of myself back to wholeness and is truly gifted in holding sacred space for deep healing to occur.

– Goly (Spiritual Therapist)

What Jaymi offers isn't cerebral. It's sacred space where we can safely sit in the seat of our emotions, our spirit, and unkink our karma. She shines a light into dark places, reassuring you with her medicinal voice so we can meet and reclaim the untended parts of ourselves. Her work is wholly unique. She is soul balm.

– A (General Manager)

Jaymi is a powerful feminine presence and a chaperone through darkness who has supported me to show up more potently in my healthy masculine. She patiently and intuitively holds space for the parts of me that don’t even know they’re scared to show up, so I can confidently speak to my own needs. With her, I’ve connected with and integrated my inner teen which has led to a deeper embodiment of emotional sovereignty and powerful leadership.  

– Occam (Reiki Master)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this professional mental health therapy?

No. While there is a time and place for such support and wonderful therapists who have answered the call to offer this service, it's not Jaymi's calling.

As such, 1:1 mentorship isn't about therapeutically processing trauma or substituting for professional mental health support. Instead, it is about the stories you live through and how they influence you to live out of alignment with your truth, power, and soul’s calling.

Through an existential and contemplative process, it is a space to meet the freest and most autonomous expression of your potently authentic self and to empower you to embody the truth that you are the only person who holds the key to your soul's liberation.

Why is there no structured program?

Your mentorship is as unique as you are and will be collaboratively customized to meet you where you are and to guide you forward along your soul's journey. Woven intuitively through our time together will be explorations and integrations of sacred self-love, emotional artistry, shadow work, and boundaries with an intention to meet your goal of feeling the embodied power of authentically aligning with your soul's purpose.

What are Jaymi’s qualifications?

Jaymi has 15 years of experience as a professional educator and has facilitated transformational experiences for thousands of people from a variety of ages, backgrounds, cultures, and community organizations.

She is also a gifted and certified trauma-informed coach, heartist, and sacred space holder.

Do you offer payment plans?

Payment plans are absolutely available! Make sure to discuss this with me when you book a discovery call.

A Message From Jaymi

As a born space-holder, inner seeker, and transformational guide, I’ve been called to serve thousands of people from all ages and backgrounds to liberate their soul’s voice from the grasp of self-abandonment and the wound of external conditioning.

My own personal experience with self-abandonment spanned decades and left me crushed under the weight of burnout and severe mental illness. This was the fire I needed to resolve my toxic self-relationship and live potently authentic and powerfully from my heart.

I’ve integrated my personal experience with almost two decades of professional immersion in the politics of liberation, conscious communication, and individual autonomy to illuminate the path of sovereignty for others. 

As you lead, I intuitively guide and offer wisdom relevant to your unique journey so you can walk the path your soul is longing to express with devotion to your highest expression of love.

I know with certainty you have a unique and essential role to play in the unfolding of our collective human story, and it would be my honor to support you in raising your voice to unapologetically and authentically live your life in alignment with your deepest vision for yourself and the world.

If 1:1 mentorship is the space and guidance you know in your heart is right for you, I would be honored to walk alongside you as your vision burns through your heart to light you and the world on fire with your soul’s purpose. 

Still not sure if 1:1 mentorship is for you?

Book a FREE Discovery Call with Jai to explore how we can co-create a truly unique mentorship experience to support you in transforming your life to be in the authentic and soul-aligned flow of your heart-inspired genius.

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